My half term holiday – Holly

My Holiday Begins…

On Thursday 21st of May, I woke up and stretched but, as I reached my arm out for a nice long stretch I felt my head pounding and realised that I had a headache. After I had done all of my nice long stretches I walked slowly to my mum`s room (I still had a horrible headache which was preventing me from speed)!  I was about to talk to my mummy, when suddenly my  throat gave a heart pounding jerk. I let out a squeal of a cough and couldn’t stop for about 2 minuets! At that moment my throat flamed up and became raw. My mum and dad knew that I most definitely was not going to school! I spent the WHOLE day in bed and coughed and coughed and coughed,  endlessly. Finally, it was the end of Thursday and Friday was about to commence…

As Friday went on I felt a little more me (by that I mean more hyper and chatty)! I was not well enough for school though!

Saturday and sunday ran by me without even stopping, I felt as bad as I had as the past few days!

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I felt better but still had a bad cough and raw throat with an ocassional headache!

By Wednesday I was feeling well enough to go to my friends!

On Thursday I felt as though nothing in the world could prevent me from feeling excited-because I was going to my grandmother’s the next day, just for a night though-until, I got a thumping headache. The headache wandered on after a while and I felt better as I thought about my friends, and what they would be doing just as that minute passed by!

Finally,  Friday appeared and I felt loads better!

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