what I did on the holidays by Maggie

On the weekend and Monday I wasn’t feeling good; I had a sore throat and alot of coughing. On tuesday I was fine and better. I went to Rachel’s house and we played with her dog. It was fun, we also played on her IPad and we did lots of stuff. Then I went home.


On Wednesday we went to my aunties’ house and we played there. Then we went upstairs. My older cousin’s bed broke because my younger cousin and my brother were jumping on it! Only one wood plank broke. He replaced it with the one at the back and the bed was better!


On Thursday my dad and sister were going to take my cat to the vet but we couldn’t because my dad woke up late. The appointment was between 9:00 and 10:00.


On friday we finally took my cat to the vet and the rest of the day was boring.


The weekend was normal!


What did you do in the half term?