My day (WEDNESDAY) by Maggie! 🍩

Today we went to school. First we had assembly, Mrs Davies and Miss Tucker were doing it. After assembly we did our Oscars editing. Then it was break. After that we carried on doing our Oscars editing, then it was lunch time!  After that we did maths and it was kind of fun….. then  some people read out their homework. After that it was golden time the the best thing of all ( drumrole please) HOMETIME!!!! Yay 🌹

My half term holiday – Holly

My Holiday Begins…

On Thursday 21st of May, I woke up and stretched but, as I reached my arm out for a nice long stretch I felt my head pounding and realised that I had a headache. After I had done all of my nice long stretches I walked slowly to my mum`s room (I still had a horrible headache which was preventing me from speed)!  I was about to talk to my mummy, when suddenly my  throat gave a heart pounding jerk. I let out a squeal of a cough and couldn’t stop for about 2 minuets! At that moment my throat flamed up and became raw. My mum and dad knew that I most definitely was not going to school! I spent the WHOLE day in bed and coughed and coughed and coughed,  endlessly. Finally, it was the end of Thursday and Friday was about to commence…

As Friday went on I felt a little more me (by that I mean more hyper and chatty)! I was not well enough for school though!

Saturday and sunday ran by me without even stopping, I felt as bad as I had as the past few days!

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I felt better but still had a bad cough and raw throat with an occassional headache!

By Wednesday I was feeling well enough to go to my friends!

On Thursday I felt as though nothing in the world could prevent me from feeling excited-because I was going to my grandmother’s the next day, just for a night though-until, I got a thumping headache. The headache wandered on after a while and I felt better as I thought about my friends, and what they would be doing just as that minute passed by!

Finally,  Friday appeared and I felt loads better! On friday I got up raced to my wardrobe got my rucksack out and started packing it with stuff like; clothing, warm (warm and cold clothes) gadgets for the long car journey and of course some lovely gifts I made for my aunt and grandma! Once everyone in my family (meaning, my brother, my mother, my father and I) had packed everything that we need up, we stuffed all into the boot of the car, and the back where my brother and were going to be seated for the ride! We all squeezed into the car and set off for a long (at the least 4 hours!) journey to Briddlington!

After a while the boring car journey came to an end! My mum (who was driving) did surprisingly well with a record-breaking 4 and a half hours in a stuffy car!

Once we arrived I knocked on the door of my Grandmothers bungalow, as she opened it I leapt onto her and gave a giant hug. For the rest of the afternoon my family and I catched up with grandma! It became rather late so my mother and grandma cooked my family vegetable fish fingers, baked beans and a bit of pizza (yummy)! When it was after my bed time we realised my brother and must go to sleep so we hurried of to our beds and once I closed my eyes I immediately drifted of into a deep, deep sleep…

As Saturday rose I woke up excited because I knew I would be seeing my aunt and her 7 kittens that day!

Everyone in the house got into my mum`s car and we went to the lovely sea-side. I carved my name in the sand with a wooden stick, wich was really FUN! After that we went back to my Aunt’s and saw her cats (well not all of them, because they are all very shy!) I managed to stroke at least 3 of them! Next we had to go back home so we said our good byes to everyone and set off back home. I felt gutted to be leaving Brid, but excited to be going back to school soon! When we got home I ran straight to bed and then leapt into my duvet and fell asleep…

On Sunday my mum and I went into london to see our relatives, we had a delicious, sort-of healthy meal (shepherds pie and cake, cake, cake)! Once it became five pm My mum and I went home and sunday was over, school was about to begin, begin, begin…



Regional finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Harpenden colts team won the county Futsal finals and advanced to the Regionals. The Regionals were in Bedfordshire and some teams came from Essex, Norfolk and Huntingdonfordshire.

Our first game was against Offerd from Essex.  We beat them 3-0.  Then we had to wait 45 minutes until our next game.  At that point we were first in the table and were confident that we would win overall.

Our second game was against Leighton United, but things didn’t go that well because we drew against them and the team who were second place won their match so that meant that they were first at this point in time.

We got to the match when we had to play the team who were in first place and if we lost this match we would have been out of the competition.  Fortunately, we won that game and advanced up to first place overall.  After that we had to play the team who were fifth place and the team who were second place had to play the team who were in last place.  If we lost our game and they won they would have been the champions.  However, we won and they lost.

Because we won our match and didn’t lose overall, we won the regionals and advanced to the Nationals being held in Birmingham in June.

District sports trials Freya

At are school we do district sports trials.

We do stand jumping, skipping ,running and throwing. It’s really fun.

We did the trials on Tuesday. All the girls do it and all of the boys, followed by the whole school. It’s really fun and we get to cheer every one on. We also get to race against different people in our year.

If we get through then we go to district sports against all the different schools in the district.

Acacia’s Prayer Flags in Kathmandu – Nepal

Acacia's ptayer flags in Kathmandu Nepal The children learnt about and made Nepalese Prayer Flags last week, with thoughts or prayers for the people of Nepal. These were then taken to Kathmandu (Nepal) and hung in the grounds of the Monkey Palace Temple (as seen above).

Here is a closer look at Acacia’s flags (see below)


Acacia’s Prayer Flags

District sports trials

On Tuesday we did district sports trials to represent our school in sport. We compete in lots of different sports including throwing, jumping and track sports. Last year Tom competed in the sprint and came 3rd and our school came 4th in the relay. This year it will be different because we will be doing throwing skipping and lots more.

How to kill the Wither

Image result for wither<- This is the Wither

To spawn the wither, you need 3 wither skulls,

and four soul sand blocks, in this shape:Image result for wither skulls

The wither is vulnerable to swords and arrows, but also splash potions of healing.

My half term holiday – Holly

My Holiday Begins…

On Thursday 21st of May, I woke up and stretched but, as I reached my arm out for a nice long stretch I felt my head pounding and realised that I had a headache. After I had done all of my nice long stretches I walked slowly to my mum`s room (I still had a horrible headache which was preventing me from speed)!  I was about to talk to my mummy, when suddenly my  throat gave a heart pounding jerk. I let out a squeal of a cough and couldn’t stop for about 2 minuets! At that moment my throat flamed up and became raw. My mum and dad knew that I most definitely was not going to school! I spent the WHOLE day in bed and coughed and coughed and coughed,  endlessly. Finally, it was the end of Thursday and Friday was about to commence…

As Friday went on I felt a little more me (by that I mean more hyper and chatty)! I was not well enough for school though!

Saturday and sunday ran by me without even stopping, I felt as bad as I had as the past few days!

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I felt better but still had a bad cough and raw throat with an ocassional headache!

By Wednesday I was feeling well enough to go to my friends!

On Thursday I felt as though nothing in the world could prevent me from feeling excited-because I was going to my grandmother’s the next day, just for a night though-until, I got a thumping headache. The headache wandered on after a while and I felt better as I thought about my friends, and what they would be doing just as that minute passed by!

Finally,  Friday appeared and I felt loads better!

what I did on the holidays by Maggie

On the weekend and Monday I wasn’t feeling good; I had a sore throat and alot of coughing. On tuesday I was fine and better. I went to Rachel’s house and we played with her dog. It was fun, we also played on her IPad and we did lots of stuff. Then I went home.


On Wednesday we went to my aunties’ house and we played there. Then we went upstairs. My older cousin’s bed broke because my younger cousin and my brother were jumping on it! Only one wood plank broke. He replaced it with the one at the back and the bed was better!


On Thursday my dad and sister were going to take my cat to the vet but we couldn’t because my dad woke up late. The appointment was between 9:00 and 10:00.


On friday we finally took my cat to the vet and the rest of the day was boring.


The weekend was normal!


What did you do in the half term?